Do you know your story? đź“–

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Humans are designed to be endlessly fascinated with and moved by stories… something that this crazy modern world knows and uses to maleficent effect.

Unless we become focused on, even obsessed with, and ultimately devoted to our own story, we will be forever pulled into the stories of a world that is hell bent upon eating itself…

News stories

Facebook stories

Instagram stories

Our partner’s stories of scarcity

Our industry’s stories of competition

All of them clamouring to distract us from our own story.

And sometimes even when we find our way onto a path with heart, well meaning spiritual teachers will ask you…

“Who would you be without your story?”

I am so very sorry for the times I said that to our Happy School students almost a decade ago.

If I could go back in time, I would tell you that as much as there’s real benefit in knowing yourself beyond your story…

Your story isn’t to be dismissed, left behind, diminished, or forgotten.

Your story is to be actively uncovered, cherished, remembered, told - around the fire to your kin, grieved, celebrated, and most definitely mined and alchemised into the most sought after treasures.

For the many reasons, I invite and guide people to reclaim the mythical worldview, which I believe is our ancient heritage - and maybe even our innate worldview, the reason that stands like a lighthouse in treacherous seas of painful passivity, routine rigidity and mindless mundanity is this… The honouring of real stories, and by real, I mean full of monsters, Goddesses, Gods, heroes, heroines, princes, maidens, evil stepmothers, abandoned waifs, and wounded centaurs, allows us a doorway into honouring those aspects within ourselves, which is to say… a doorway to know our own story.

And to know our story is to know ourselves.

But when I say our story, I don’t just mean the sad parts that we will either tell to garner poisoned pity or hide to further strengthen our shiny armoured prison.

I mean…

The chapter in which you sustain the most gruesome of wounds.

The chapter in which you are a heroine or a hero in the face of those wounds.

The chapter that tells of those subtle slights that brought you to your knees with inexplicable deep shame.

The chapter when you learn to be a loving parent to those shamed, wounded parts of you.

The chapter in which you feel helpless and hopeless.

The chapter when you realise what it will cost you to live a free life.

The chapter when you choose it anyway.

The chapter when you heal.

That chapter in which you discover your precious unique gifts.

The chapter you always wanted to skip to - when you find your calling.

The chapter when you become medicine for others.

The chapter when you understand that others will never show you all of the understanding, approval, validation, or gratitude that you crave.

The chapter in which you realise doing what’s aligned is becoming a choiceless choice, no matter how much of a thankless task it is by any normal measure.

The chapter that shows you that you’re a necessary part in the story of the whole.

The chapter that takes you back though all the chapters until you’re done with them - which might take a lifetime.

And most of all… the chapter that allows you to know that your whole story is you living the exact myth your soul chose to come here for.

What do you know of yours?

If you’re ready to turn the page, come to Be Mythical and immerse yourself in the mythical story of *your* life.

All my love.

♥️ 📖 🌟

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