Who I am & ways to work with me… 🌟

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Hello beautiful soul,

It’s my first day back at work since before Christmas, it’s been a while since I’ve written something like this and there’s been many (many!) changes, within and without, since the last one, and so it felt like it was time to (re-)introduce myself and the work I do.

When I’m asked I never know how best to name what I do but our students usually describe me as a spiritual teacher, my children tell their friends I’m a podcaster, spiritual therapist and a soul doctor, and currently my bio says variations of Teacher of Union, Soul Purpose Guide, Shamanic Healer, and the co-founder of Be Mythical (currently we’re mid-evolution from Waking The Wild).

I’m also as English as Mary Poppins, wife to a Yorkshireman, the mother of two teenagers, bookworm, a lover of nature and animals (evidenced by the ever increasing number of rescue animals who share our home!), and I have a lifelong fascination with the human psyche and how it interweaves with magic, myths and archetypes.

My deepest devotion is to Union, something that had been calling me long before I realised it had been written in the stars from the beginning (astrologists will nod sagely at my five-planet stellium in Libra in the 7th House).

My life has been one of being initiated by all manner of weird and wonderful things including intense trauma, sudden bereavement, becoming deaf (and then miraculously recovering some of it), chronic facial pain, panic attacks, and hallucinations, and simply feeling very different to other people and struggling to fit into our culture easily or well… much of which I now understand to have been shamanic sickness and signs of my own unique medicine.

Like many people here to serve others magically or spiritually, I’m neurodivergent in many ways, including autism, an aspect of my purpose and medicine is redreaming what it means to honour our differences in this crazy modern world.

My journey of self-discovery, healing and study has taken me deep into non-dual spirituality, archetypal work, shadow work, alchemy, feminine embodiment, shamanic and nature-based modalities, with a focus on teachings, rituals, ceremonies and initiations that activate, illuminate, heal, and ultimately create union with soul and spirit.

Along with Be Mythical Co-Founder, Jonathan, we've spent the past decade crafting a unique pathway through the trinity of spiritual ascension, ego maturation and soul descension to support the old souls who are called to discover their purpose, embody their own medicine, and live their soul’s myth.

Simply put, we see the unique gift that you are and help you to become it.

Our students are visionaries, innovators, coaches, medicine people, guides, healers, and therapists, many of whom are neurodivergent, know themselves to be very different to others in some way, or are especially open and sensitive to other people, environments and energies.

We guide those called on a transformative journey through healing towards alignment and purpose, we are especially experienced in helping people to understand and to navigate dark nights of the soul, shamanic sickness, psychic awakenings, and times of sudden change and expansion.

We provide guidance, structures, practical support and kinship in the authentic expression of your medicine in the ways that are uniquely right for your soul, in serving your clients from the heart with sovereign standards, helping you to deepen the potency of your medicine, and navigating the challenges and blessings that a life of soul-forged service brings, every step of the way.

Ways to join us on this journey of a lifetime…

THE ACADEMY: We are about to open the doors to our brand new offering - a community, a school of real magic, and more - which provides foundational teachings, ongoing guidance and monthly ceremonies to support old souls to serve their medicine and live their own myth in this crazy modern world.

This is for anyone who recognises themselves in what I’ve shared above, has heard about what we do and is feeling the call to experience the magic for themselves, and is also perfect for alumni of past Waking The Wild crucibles, especially Medicine, who would like the support and kinship of others on the path and an ongoing guidance from me and Jonathan.

To register your interest to be one of the first to know when doors open, click HERE.

MEDICINE: This is for the magical ones who are ready to discover your soul’s purpose, uncover your unique gifts, and become your Medicine. Within this potent seven-month crucible, you will be liberated to become the fullest expression of your soul giving your deepest gifts in service to the world. We begin in March 2024.

To find out more and book a free 60-minute Illumination Call, click HERE.

Or if you have any questions, please do drop Lian a message.

All my love and blessings and you unfold your own myth,

Lian ♥️

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