The Wonder of Uncertainty… 💫

By Lian Brook-Tyler

As Jonathan Wilkinson and I were planning the opening ceremony of UNIO, we were looking at our Life’s Work Gene Keys - which is one of the many magical ways we’ll be journeying into the Great Work with our students this month.

My Life’s Work is Wisdom, and whilst scanning the Gene Keys book, I was struck for the first time that it’s described as “The Wonder of Uncertainty” - I’ve looked at those pages many times over the years, and somehow missed that one of the most challenging themes of my life - uncertainty - was there all along, inviting me to see its full beauty at last.

There’s a link below to one of the many times I’ve spoken of my journey with uncertainty, not ever realising how deeply woven it is with my Life’s Work.

Whether it’s through Gene Keys, astrology, archetypes, tarot, or any other magical tradition, it’s these moments when we notice something that’s been hidden in plain sight, that show us we’re ready to enter its crucible again, this time going another spiral deeper, or to complete an initiation we’ve been undergoing.

Another memorable example was when I was listening to the audio of my Gene Keys Evolution sphere of Valour literally as I was entering the woods for the very last time as I was finishing my shamanic training… and then heard Richard Rudd describe it as the Gene Key of the shaman, which somehow I’d never heard before… I burst out laughing and crying all at once, finally getting the cosmic joke that despite all my resistance and need for control (the shadow of Valour), I’d found myself exactly where I should be at exactly the right time.

I’m looking forward to witnessing what unfolds anew for us all within UNIO this week… Even those of us who have journeyed into our Life’s Work before will have the opportunity to see something new, if only we can empty our cup, ready to receive what’s for us.

The beginner’s mind opening to the wonder of uncertainty.


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