By Lian Brook-Tyler

Yesterday, I was thinking of my great uncle George and how unusual interracial marriages were back then in the 40s.

I asked Chris Tyler-Humm if he could find any photos in my mother’s photo albums and bless him, he went rummaging through the albums and sent over some precious photos, as well as an old letter he’d found.

It was from my father to my mother and was written after their separation. We were travelling (we’d just left Ibiza and were now in the south of France) and I hadn’t seen my mother for many months at this point. The letter talks about me and my trials and tribulations in a way that brought tears to my eyes realising how much he saw that I had no idea about. I also realised how much they both had to bear.

Both the photos and the letter have given me much to contemplate.

Those of us devoted to The Great Work of individuation and union, whether our path is shamanic, alchemical, or otherwise, will come to a point in which we will need to journey to reclaim the ancestral gold from its most shadowy corners.

Conscious reconnection with our ancestors can bring deep blessings but also pain that no-one has been willing or able to feel for generations, that we are now being invited to feel in order to heal our lineage, which is also of course, healing ourselves.

Often the pain and the blessings turn out to be one and the same.

All my love as you unfold your own myth


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